Brian Anderson is the owner of Fluffy Cuts in Jacksonville Beach and the new president of the Rotary Club of Ponte Vedra Beach Sunset, which meets on Tuesday nights.
What’s your background?
I grew up in Massachusetts and then Ohio outside of Cleveland. I went to college at University of Toledo, and then I transferred to Wittenborg University where I graduated. I moved to Jacksonville in the mid-1980s, and at the beginning of my career, I had three jobs, working weekends at Daniel Memorial, weekday mornings for a construction company and nights selling suits. I met my wife, Julie, while selling suits, and we’ve been married 32 years. During our early years of marriage, we were involved in taking in foster kids. We also adopted our son, Ian. We moved to Central Florida and were drawn back to Northeast Florida. Shortly after, Julie was in a terrible accident when she got hit by a car while riding her bike. While she was rehabbing, I never thought she would work again, and I was teaching at the time. Teaching wages were not great, and I couldn’t see myself putting my son through college with my own income. So, my niece talked me into becoming owner of a pet grooming business, which is now famously known as "Fluffy Cuts for Fluffy Butts." We’re also currently in the process of building a house in Nocatee. In addition, I’m an ambassador at the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce.
Can you please tell us more about Fluffy Cuts?
I’ve been the marketer, and my niece has been the groomer. We’ve built a great business. We’re hoping to be awarded “best of” by many publications that do voting. We’re extremely popular in South Jacksonville Beach and Ponte Vedra. We emphasize quality.
What are your goals as president of the Rotary Club of Ponte Vedra Beach Sunset?
I’m honored to be appointed president of this club. It’s a great group. My goal is to maintain the family, welcoming atmosphere that it is, making it easy for people to join, make up meetings and come together. I’m planning a dog show that will serve as a fundraiser. I’m hoping to have it benefit K9s for Warriors and take place around Halloween. In addition, I want to continue the great things that have been set by presidents before me, the fun things that make our club unique.
What makes Rotary so special to you?
As a kid, I had an experience of going to a Rotary Club meeting with my dad who said the prayer before the dinner. The speaker at the meeting was Buzz Aldrin. That moment stuck with me, and it motivated me to be involved in Rotary in my future life. I wanted to be part of a group that’s out to help the community and the world. I discovered much more about Rotary once I became more active. I recommend many people get involved in community groups like that because it makes our community a better place.
In addition, my Rotary family has been there for me when I was living in a condo that burnt down. They were the first ones at my door helping me move my stuff out. They were also the first ones who rallied together to start trying to find safe passageways through Ponte Vedra so people like Julie don’t experience horrible accidents while navigating through our streets. This has led to the formation of the PV Greenway Alliance Incorporated, a nonprofit I’m heavily involved with that advocates to designate and develop a nature-based greenway trail through Ponte Vedra/Palm Valley. It’s a special group in my life.
What do you enjoy most about Ponte Vedra?
Ponte Vedra has been great to me. The community is a lot smaller than people realize. Everyone is looking out for everyone. I’ve loved meeting people here and forming lasting relationships.