Ben & Jerry’s shop provides job skills to students with learning differences


Even as Ben & Jerry’s ice cream shop opened in Nocatee in September 2020, franchise owners Jessica Shaw and husband Steven Chubbuck were already seeking ways to support their neighbors. Since then, the popular outlet for tasty treats has maintained a commitment to the community.

For the past three years, the shop has partnered with Ponte Vedra High School in a community initiative to provide valuable, real-world job skills to students with learning differences, helping to prepare them for future employment opportunities.

Shaw said the initiative, aptly named Scoop of Inclusion, was inspired by a program her son Aidan had previously taken part in. That program offered him opportunities to work at different places in the area. Shaw watched Aidan grow as a person, with improved confidence and a realization that he could have a life on his own.

The franchise owners soon realized that they could use their local store in a similar way.

“We’re just trying to give these kids the same experience that my son got to have,” said Shaw.

Up until this year, student participants mostly cleaned, put the chairs out and got the store ready to open for the day. But this year, the program has expanded so that the students can welcome guests and, with some guidance from experienced staff members, take orders and check customers out on the cash register.

The store in Nocatee has a soft opening each Thursday so that members of the public can serve as the students’ customers.

“We give them 20% off because we’re asking for their patience,” said Shaw.

The experience promotes inclusion and boosts the potential of each individual student, something that is particularly relevant as October is National Learning Differences Awareness Month.

Local residents, parents and anyone who loves great ice cream are invited to visit the Ben & Jerry’s shop in Nocatee to support the students between 11:30 a.m. and noon on most Thursdays during the school year.

The Ponte Vedra shop is located at 295 Pine Lake Drive, Suite C101, in Nocatee. For information about the shop, go to