To help ensure more families have access to educational resources they need for healthy birth outcomes, the Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition, Baptist Health and Philps Avent have partnered to offer a one-year, no-cost subscription to the premium version of Philips’ Pregnancy+. Pregnancy+, the number one pregnancy app worldwide, will be available to women and their families in Baker, Clay and Duval counties.
“We want to do everything we can to improve the health and well-being of babies and their mothers,” says Katie Ensign, VP community impact and investment with Baptist Health. “By coming alongside moms and families with information in the palm of their hands on relevant topics such as safe sleep practices, breastfeeding and mental health tips, we intend to improve health outcomes and save lives.”
Designed to supplement a woman’s prenatal care, Pregnancy+ supports parents from the moment they discover they are pregnant by offering personalized content, expert-written information and interactive 3D models to track a baby’s development.
Users experience a curated daily feed of articles tailored to their pregnancy stage and can personalize pregnancy tracking, including allowing partners or other loved ones to follow their progress through the app. The premium version also features videos and audio courses with maternal health experts to further educate and support expectant moms on their pregnancy journey.
“Our community health workers, care coordinators and other staff members will work with families to onboard them into the pilot and address any questions,” said Faye Johnson, CEO of the Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition. “The ability to offer this informative tool to our moms-to-be is another way we can empower women with the knowledge necessary to make more informed decisions about their well-being and the health of their baby while also ensuring they’re aware of the many community resources available.”
In addition to important information about pregnancy and childbirth, the app also provides access to care by connecting women and their families to community resources such as home visiting programs.
Research shows families enrolled in programs such as Healthy Start, Nurse-Family Partnership and others have experienced reductions in preterm births and low birth weight, both factors in infant mortality. According to the American Journal of Public Health, home visiting programs reduce the risk of a child’s death by approximately 25%.
The state of Michigan, which launched a customized version of the Pregnancy+ app last year, has reached 32,000 Michigan residents, including connecting 1,000 Medicaid-eligible individuals to the state’s evidence-based home visiting programs.
“Every family deserves a strong start with the best care possible and the tools and resources they need for a healthy pregnancy and baby,” said Jeff DiLullo, chief region leader for Philips North America. “It takes public-private partnerships with community organizations, health care and technology providers to ensure that we can make a meaningful impact in the U.S. maternal mortality crisis and help create a more equitable system.”