Hope at Hand, a Jacksonville-based nonprofit organization that provides poetry lessons for vulnerable and at-risk youth, recently shared details of its receipt of multi-year grants from three major philanthropic organizations. As the organization prepares to celebrate its 15-year anniversary in August, these grants will provide support for programming and operations, including a first-of-its-kind initiative that will launch at Florida State University's College of Social Work in Tallahassee.
Funders include:
“We are extremely grateful to receive these grants from our longstanding partners,” said Hope at Hand Executive Director Steffani Fletcher. “As a local nonprofit in Northeast Florida, this funding will provide tremendous support and stability to our organization and help us further our mission of using the healing power of poetry to instill confidence and positive self-esteem in the youth we serve.”
In addition to these multi-year grants, the organization is eligible to receive matching donations from THE PLAYERS Championship through their Birdies for Charity initiative, a fundraising program designed to give participating 501(c)3 organizations the opportunity to generate contributions through one-time flat pledges or donations. This donation, in combination with the match from the Delores Barr Weaver Legacy Fund, triples the impact of donations made through the end of 2026.
“As a long-standing partner and supporter of Hope at Hand, we could not be more happy to be donating these funds to the organization,” said The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida Senior Director of Grantmaking Amy Crane.
“The Kids Hope Alliance invests millions of dollars on an annual basis to organizations conducting programs and initiatives supporting youth in Jacksonville,” said Kids Hope Alliance Assistant Director of Provider Training and Engagement Sylvester Pinkney. “We are more than proud to support Hope at Hand in their life-changing efforts to facilitate healing and personal growth to the children and adolescents who need it most.”
Hope at Hand will hold a fundraising event, “Swing into Action,” from noon to 3 p.m. Feb. 18 at Top Golf, 10531 Brightman Blvd. This fundraiser marks its first since the start of the pandemic and aims to raise funds for poetry programming for at-risk youth in Northeast Florida. Tickets include lunch, three hours of unlimited play, participation in a silent auction and two drink tickets. For more information and to purchase tickets, eventbrite.com/e/top-golf-swing-into-action-fundraiser-tickets-732278924977?aff=ebdssbdestsearch.
To learn more about Hope at Hand, how to become involved, provide support and view upcoming events, go to hopeathand.org.