Simple actions can keep the cool air flowing


Forget what the calendar says. In Northeast Florida, summer comes early and stays late. That means months of hot, humid conditions and a critical need to have reliable air conditioning.

Anyone who’s ever had their air conditioning break down will tell you: Avoid it at any cost. Fortunately, there are some simple things homeowners can do to ensure their air conditioning keeps them cool through the summer months.

Perhaps the most effective strategy is to have regular maintenance, especially to keep drains clear as these units generate a lot of water.

“Getting a certified, trained technician out there twice a year — really, before the seasons,” said Jen Booker, service dispatcher with Creek’s Air Conditioning & Heating. “We prefer to do it in the very early part of the year and towards the late part of the year, right before you start using your air conditioner or right before you start using your heat.”

The technician can show the homeowner where problems are beginning to occur and make notes on things to check on the next visit.

“It’s a lot like your doctor visit,” Booker said. “Keeping up with your routine checkups and making sure everything’s tiptop.”

Another big thing homeowners can do is regularly change the filter, especially if there are pets in the home or if there’s a lot of dust.

“Just keeping an eye on it can really solve a lot of problems in the long run,” Booker said.

A third thing is keeping shrubs clear from outdoor units. Indoors, not allowing bookshelves or other furniture to block vents.

“These units need to breathe,” said Booker. “They need to have airflow coming through them.”

Outside, it’s important to think about where sprinkler heads are pointed. Water from sprinklers may cause rust to coils and other parts of the exterior unit.

Taking care of a home HVAC system will extend its life and helps ensure that you don’t return home from work one day to an indoor temperature in the 90s. It’s also important to note that homes near the beach are particularly vulnerable due to the salty air.

Creek’s Air Conditioning & Heating, like other service providers on the First Coast, does residential and commercial installation and routine maintenance.